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Drill Instructor showing a NCOCC candidate how to properly execute the High Jumper exercise
The Vault: This is the directory of the private archives of the Curator. Over time we will attempt to scan and post as many hard-to-find documents as possible. You can make a special request if you need something now.
September 2, 2012
- Significant Studies - This page makes an attempt to highlight some significant studies and articles or stories relating to the development of the US Army Noncommissioned Officer Corps.
August 18, 2010
Original recommendation for rank and isgnia for the newly created Senior Enlisted Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman (SEAC), by CSM Dan Elder, Aug 20, 2005.
CSM Program Approval, Jul 67
CSM Program Staff Study, May 67
CSM Program Draft, May 67
Misc documents related to the creation of a CSM program
December 5, 2009
AR 350-90, 25 June, 1957 Noncommissioned Officers Academies - The first ever Army Regulation laying out Noncommissioned Officer specific training.
AR 350-90, 29 Mar 1968, Noncommissioned Officers Academies - Second edition, much smaller.
AR 350-90, 30 Oct 1973, Noncommissioned Officers Academies, with Intermin Change 1 & 2.
November 11, 2009
Research Memorandum, Leadership Climate for Trainee Leaders: The Army AIT Platoon, Paul D. Hood, Aug 1963, US Army Leadership Human Research Unit, USACONARCTR 67-2, Implementation and Utilization of the Leader Preparation Program, HumRRO, Paul D. Hood, Mar 1967. Prepared for the Office, Chief of Research and Development, Department of the Army.
TR 67-8 Preliminary Assessment of Three NCO Leader Preparation Training Systems, HumRRO, Paul D. Hood, Morris Showel, John E. Taylor, Edward C. Stewart, Jacklyn Boyd, Jun 1967. Prepared for the Office, Chief of Research and Development, Department of the Army.
TR 67-12, Evaluation of Three Experimental Systems for Noncommissioned Officer Training, Paul D. Hood, Morris Showel, Edward C. Stewart, Sep 1967. Prepared for the Office, Chief of Research and Development, Department of the Army.
Wilson Institutes New War Honors: Distinguished Service Cross and Medal to be Given to Men and Women, Chevrons for Wounded. Six months' duty in the Fighting Zone will Entitle Soldiers to Service Chevrons. New York Times, Mar 7, 1917.
June 21, 2009
The NCO Charge The NCO Charge, as published in the Summer 2001 NCO Journal.
May 26, 2009
Complete United States infantry guide for officers and noncommissioned officers: reprinted from government publicationsBy United States. War Dept, United States. Department of WarPublished by J.B. Lippincott company, 1917Original from the University of Michigan
Dec 6, 2008
TRANSCRIPTS - Sergeants Major Conference, 1965 Earliest
public record of senior sergeants coming together, this
during the annual AUSA Convention, to discuss serious and
long-lasting issues relating to the professional enlisted
October 25, 2008
- Leadership for the 1970's
- A series of post-Vietnam leadership studies called by
Army Chief of Staff, Gen Westmoreland.
- Leadership for the 1970's. Consolidated Army War College Leadership Monograph Series 1 - 5 (1975)
- Leadership for the 1970's (October, 1971)
- Leadership for the 1970's (July, 1971)
Action Plan: The Noncommissioned Officer Leader Development
Task Force of 1989 - The Action Plan prepared by the NCO
Leader Development Task Force in June 1989, the first Year
of the NCO. (80 pages)
Executive Summary Only - The Action Plan prepared by the
NCO Leader Development Task Force in June 1989, the first
Year of the NCO. (3 pages)
Existing Instruments to Measure Noncommissioned Officers,
Communicative Skills Proficiencies: A Feasibility investigation. -
Leader Development in Army Units: Views from the Field
U.S. Army
Self-Development: Enhancer or Barrier to Leader Development?
A Monograph by MAJ Milford H. Beagle, Jr.
October 23, 2008
NCO: Backbone of the Army - Bibliography prepared
by the Pentagon Library in honor of the Year of the NCO, May
NCO to
NCO - CSM Harry E. Hicks -
U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery School, reflects on the 1989
Year of the NCO Theme, Air Defense Magazine, Jan-Feb 89.
Soldier Quality of Life Initiative - A Thesis
Presented to The Judge Advocate General's School by Major
Jacqueline Scott, Apr. 1995. Provides actual copies of
references and a historical context.
Troopers Handbook - United States Constabulary, 15 Feb.
February 5, 2008
- Theodore (Ted) Dobol - June 6 1955 reprint from Stars and Stripes story and photo on Msgt Dobol laying flowers.
- Evolution of Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education (eJPME).
- FORSCOM Pamphlet 600-7 - Leadership How to ....Timeless 1989 publication by FORSCOM CSM George L. Horvath III for First Line Leaders.
- Heather Johnsen - photo of first female Tomb Guard, SGT Heather Johnsen
- KEYSTONE Program - information on the Command Senior Enlisted Leaders Course, a Capstone course for joint senior NCOs.
- Unsung hero to be bearer of Unknowns body: Sergeant Woodfill is selected by Pershing - Nov. 1, 1921 New York Times article on Samuel Woodfill.
- Professional Military Education (PME) PME Bibliography
- The Institute of Heraldry (TIOH) details on the insignia and positional flag for the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman, Joint Cheifs of Staff (SEAC).
- Handbill, Three Stripes in the Sun - 1955 Columbia Pictures movie based on Sgt Maj Hugh O'Reilly of the 27th Infantry.
- Image of the positional flag of the Sgt Maj of the Army.
January 31, 2008
- Nov 4, 1996 Army Times article on ProPay for select CSMs above Brigade-level.
- Nov 1996 edition of The Talon commemorating Cmd Sgt Maj Ted Dobol and the renaming of Camp Alisha to Camp Dobol.
- Nov 21, 1921 NY Times article on Samuel Woodfill
November 11, 2007:
- AR 611-215, 10 December 1963 - Selection of Enlisted Personnel for Attendance ay Army Service Schools.
- AR 611-208, 5 February 1964 - Proficiency Pay for Enlisted Personnel.
- AR 611-205, 17 February 1964 - Enlisted Evaluation System.
- AR 600-20, 20 August 1986 - Army Command Policy and Procedures.
- AR 600-20, 31 January 1967 - Army Command Policy and Procedures.
- AR 600-20, 3 July 1962 - Army Command Policy and Procedures.
November 5, 2007:
- Yearbook, NCO Candidate Course 19, 71st Company, Graduation 23 April 1968.
- Yearbook, NCO Candidate Course 33, 71st Company, Graduation 31 Jul 1968.
- Preparing the Noncommissioned Officer Corps for the 21st Century: LTC Fredrick Maxwell, USAWC, Mar 2000.
- Transformation Of The Noncommissioned Officer Education System: Leveraging Education To Improve Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development - by Col Kevin J. Wilson
- Uncommon soldiers in the common school era: The education of noncommissioned officers and selected privates of the United States Army 1866-1908, Dr John Wands Sacca, Phd. (large file, 362 pages).
- Cir 611-36,15 Apr 68 - the second list of E-9s selected for Command Sergeant Major Rank.
- Cir 611-40,19 Aug 68 - the third list of E-9s selected for Command Sergeant Major Rank.
June 9, 2007
- Remarks by Gen Carl E. Vuono - CSA, at the USA Sergeants Major Academy Dedication Ceremony, Nov 12 1987.
- Ultima Register - Fourth printing listing of the graduates of the pilot and first class of the US Army Sergeants Major Academy and their last known location in 1983.
- SMA Insignia - Five documents relating to the development of the insignia of the Sergeant Major of the Army.
- Enlisted Grade Structure and the Army Reorganization Act of 1920 - A 1967 article by William Cooling describing the affect of the 1920 reorganization act and how it affected the enlisted grades.
- Basic Combat Training: Flashbacks and Forecast - 2004 article by John Collins reflecting on recruit training.
February 5, 2007
- In tribute to John Ordway--The Indispensable First Sergeant. Feb 07 article on Lewis & Clark Orderly SGT John Ordway.
January 14, 2007
- Historical Review of the Enlisted Grade Structure of the US Army, 1775-1967 - Annex E of Volume VI from the Enlisted Grade Structure Study by the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel in July 1967. A great chronology of enlisted rank done by Department of the Army.
September 10, 2006
- The History of Battledown - an almost forgotten unit sport challenge invented in 1943 by then MAJ Ralph F. Miles. Used to train hand-to-hand combat.
- History of Hooah - Three supporting documents that attribute the phrase "hooah" (or hough) to Chief Coacoochee and adopted by the 2nd Dragoons (now 2d Cavalry Regiment). Mosses 1913 edition of the NCO Manual lays claim to its use as early as 1789. Read for yourself.
August 8, 2006 - New Find! Due to an arrangement with the author, the below offering has been made available exclusively here on NCOHistory.com
- The Care and Cleaning of NCOs - Colonel John M. Collins produced The Care and Cleaning of NCOs when he was a student at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces in 1966-67. It catalogs many of the ills that gripped the NCO Corps of the era, many of which have been corrected.
July 31, 2006
- Sergeants' Legacy:The European Roots (Date to Renaissance) MSG Tom Fuller article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal traces the NCO pre-America.
- Before Chevrons: Identifying NCO Rank Pictorial by L.R. Arms article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal that displays methods of rank identification prior to chevrons.
- Corporals: Where NCO Leadership Begins SSG David Abrams article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal traces lineage of the Corporal.
- Establishing the NCO Tradition Dr. Robert Bouilly article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal reviews early-day traditions employing the NCO Corps.
- The Continental Army SSG David Abrams article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal reviews NCOs of that era, including a sidebar on the Badge for Military Merit.
- Era of Frontier Conflicts (1795-1890) SSG David Abrams article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal traces evolution of the NCO Corps.
- Civil War NCOs Dr John Wands Sacca article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal highlights the NCO of that time.
- Opening the West: Buffalo Soldiers Play Key Role James P Finely article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal on Buffalo Soldiers, and includes a sidebar on 1st Sgt Vance Marchbanks, a 43 year veteran and Buffalo Soldier.
- Immigrants Flood the Army L.R. Arms article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal on the affect of immigrants in the 1800s Army.
- NCO Responsibilities Grow... Douglas V. Meed article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal reviews the role of the NCOs up to the early 1900s.
- Noncommissioned Officers: Technicians and Leaders Dr John Wands Sacca article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal takes a look at skills, rank and education.
- Memories of a Brown Shoe Army SFC (Ret.) Richard Raymond III article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal looks at the Army of 1920-1940.
- The Lean, Lean Years of the Depression Army COL (Ret.) John M. Collins article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal looks at the pre WWII NCO.
- Evolution of NCOs in Training Soldiers SGM Robert Rush timeline in the Summer 1995 special edition from 1814 to 1993.
- WACs Go To War Heike Hasenauer article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal reviews the Women's Army Corps of WWII and beyond.
- Rise of a Professional NCO Corps Dr. Robert Bouilly article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal lists career management and NCOES advances.
- NCO Pay Dr John Wands Sacca article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal article discussing historical aspects of NCO Pay.
- First Sergeant, Two articles on the first sergeant in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal.
- SMA's Role Evolves, Grows SSG David Abrams article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal.
- CSMs...much more than figureheads SSG David Abrams article in the Summer 1995 special edition of the NCO Journal.
July 30, 2006
- Doolittle Board - Officer - Enlisted Man Relationships 1946 Report of the Secretary of War's Board on Officer - Enlisted Man Relationships.
- Hook Commission - 1949 article from Army Information Digest, "Career Compensation for the Services" discussing the Hook Commission results.
- Womble Board 1953 Final Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Future of Military Service as a Career that will Attract and Retain Capable Career Personnel.
- Cordiner Committee - Executive Summary (only) of the 1957 Report of the Defense Advisory Committee on Professional and Technical Compensation.
- Haines Board - 1966 article in Army Digest reporting highlights of the Haines board on Military Education.
- Emerson Board - Introduction (only) of the 1971 Report of the CONARC Leadership Board.
- USAWC Study of Leadership for the Professional Soldier - Executive Summary (only) of the 1 July 1971 report done by the US Army War College.
July 23, 2006
- The Noncommissioned Officers of the US Army-Their changing role and status from 1775 to 1983 Unknown author Earliest known bibliography specifically on the topic of the US Army noncommissioned officer (assuming it was published in 1983).
July 16, 2006:
- Circular 611-31, 8 Jan 1968 Command Sergeants Major The official listing of the first 192 E-9s selected for promotion to Command Sergeant Major.
July 9, 2006
- The Trials and Tribulations of Korean War NCO COL John Collins Feb 2003 ARMY - A detailed article on events that led to major changes in the post WWII Army.
- A Brief History of the Backbone of the Army Aug 1989 Field Artillery - A summary of the history of the NCO based on an anonymous handout from USASMA.
- Effects of Previous Drawdowns on the NCO Corps14 May 1996 Department of the Army Information Paper that summarizes previous drawdowns and their effects.
- Proper Utilization of Noncommissioned Officers 3 Sep 1963 24th Division, Maj Gen W.A. Cunningham's detailed memo to his Major Unit Commanders on his view on the proper utilization of Sergeants Major.
- Military History and the Role it Plays in Training Noncommissioned Officers, 1 April 1996, Center of Military History, SGM Robert Rush - A self-initiated information memorandum prepared by CMH for Gen Shalikashvili (CJCS). Includes routing details and hand written notes to CSA.
- Uniquely American NCO Corps had Roots in European Armies Oct 1989, ARMY Dr Ernest Fisher - Six page article by the author of the premier history on the entire NCO Corps.
July 7, 2006
- Champion Six of Diamonds, CSM J.D. Pendry and Kim Holien Story of Knox Bellingham who served as a First Sergeant for 15 years and was crowned by Army Times as the champion First Sergeant in 1959.
- America's Hispanics in America's Wars COL Gilberto Villahermosa Sept 2002 ARMY - Detailed article on the efforts of Hispanics throughout the years,
- Vietnam Warrior's: A Statistical Profile Jan 2003 VFW Magazine - An attempt to capture the demographic detail of America's involvement in Vietnam.
July 2, 2006
- Memo Requesting nominations for the first Sergeant Major of the Army Gen Johnson's 9 May 1966 memo to senior commanders requesting nominations for the first SMA, including his anticipated duties of an SMA. (3 pages)
- Daniel Bissell, Patriot Spy copy of an article that appeared in the Windsor Society Journal by Mildred Dunn on SGT Daniel Bissell, winner of the third Badge for Military Merit. (5 pages)
- Memo, Reply to USARPAC recommendation to establish a Department of the Army Sergeant Major A 4 Nov 1965 Information Paper in response to the second successive year recommendation by the USARPAC SGM to establish a position of Department of the Army Sergeant Major (1 page)
July 1, 2006
- Role of the Noncommissioned Officer A 1976 memo from USMA to TRADOC commander in response to his request on the role of the CSM. (8 pages)
- The CSM and the NCO Support Channel A 1988 USAWC staff study by LTC John J. McNulty whose thesis is should the Army publish a job description for the CSM and is there a necessity for an NCO Support Channel (22 pages)
- The Sergeant Major Rank, a Bibliography 1997 edition of a bibliography by the USASMA LRC staff (2 pages)