DA Personnel News Letter is a 1968 newsletter sent out about the selection of William O. Wooldridge as CSM of the Army.
Debate Promotions is a 2001 article written by Dan Elder discussing NCO Promotions and how they have impacted the Army’s structure.
CSS OIF/OEF Fatality Totals by Branch is a 2005 list of fatalities among the multiple branches of the CSS written by Anthony Vevasis.
Croatia and Slovenia is a continuation of the The Former Yugoslavia document covering Croatia and Slovenia.
CSMajs. Add New Chevron Wreath is a 1968 Army Times article written by a Times Staff Writer about the CSM chevron.
CSMaj. Chevron Wins Approval is a 1968 Army Times article written by Gene Famiglietti about the newly created chevron.
CSMaj. Chevron Wins Approval is a 1968 Army Times article written by Gene Famiglietti about the adoption of the CSM Chevron.
by Dan Elder
by Jack L. Tilley
by Dan Elder