Dining In is a 1969 Combat Arms Group article about the history of Dining-In by Officers of the British Army.
Dining-In Preserves an Old Tradition is an Army Scene article about communal dining and the history of the practice.
Driver’s Seat is a 1981 U.S. Army Armor Center and Fort Knox article written by John W. Gillis in response to “Reestablishment of NCO Power.”
Duties of a Command Sergeant Major is a 1975 Department of the Army information sheet written by George S. Blanchard.
Demolition Duty Pay in the US Army Ordnance Corps – A Statutory History is a 2005 Ordnance Magazine article written by William J. Stubno.
Department of Defense Appropriations for 1962 is a 1961 summary of a committee meeting chaired by Clarence Cannon.
Daniel Bissell is a 2003 Find a Grave article chronicling the life of Daniel Bissell and showing his gravesite.
Daniel Bissell Biography is a biography distributed by the Windsor Society and written by Mildred Dunn and Edwinna Hillemeier
by Dan Elder
by Jack L. Tilley
by Dan Elder