Logistics Quotes Operation Iraqi Freedom is a collection of quotes related to logistics compiled by Kevin Born.
May Change Uniform Regulations is a 1973 US Army Recruiting article about the introduction of possible new uniforms.
Mass-Producing Leaders: WWI Army Needed a Lot of Officers-Quickly is a 2017 AUSA article written by Edwin L. Kennedy Jr.
Major Changes for NCOs is a 1995 Army Times article written by Bernard Adelsberger about the removal of the NCO development test.
List of Suggested Actions to Enhance the Prestige of the Noncommissioned Officer is a slightly faded list of points by Bruce C. Clark.
Local Selection Boards and Maintenance of Local Recommended Lists is the ninth section of a larger text, it discusses promotions.
Leading to Confidence is an article written by Walter D. Stock about the importance of confidence and aggression in leadership.
Leadership Doctrine: 1778 to 1995 is a 1992 Military Review article written by Faris R. Kirkland about American leadership.
Leadership, Bravery Netted Funk 7 Awards is a 2006 Army Times article by Fred L. Borch and Robert F. Dorr.
by Dan Elder
by Jack L. Tilley
by Dan Elder