Mary Armstrong Chilson Memorial is a 1999 Tacoma News Tribune article covering the life of Mary Armstrong Chilson.
Interview With SMA Silas Copeland is a 1990 interview about the life of Silas Copeland conducted by Edwards.
SMA Richard A. Kidd Interview is a 1994 Center of Military History interview of Richard A. Kidd conducted by Mark F. Gillespie.
Interview of Jack L. Tilley is a lengthy interview for the Center of Military History about the life of Jack Tilley.
Sorley and Elder Mail 2 is a 2001 letter written by Lewis Sorley to Dan Elder about Distinguished Graduate, Frederic J. “Rick” Brown III.
Sorley and Elder Mail is two letters sent between Lewis Sorley and Dan Elder in 2001 about George E. Loikow.
Wooldridge, Elder, and Egersdorfer Mail is a 2001 selection of correspondence between William Wooldridge, Rudolf Egersdorfer, and Dan Elder.
Wooldridge, Elder, and Gorman Mail is a selection of correspondence between William Wooldridge, Paul Gorman, and Dan Elder.
NCO Chronology is a document detailing the history of the Noncommissioned Officer beginning 1945 and ending in 1998.
by Dan Elder
by Jack L. Tilley
by Dan Elder