Platoon Sergeant and Sergeant First Class is a short 2014 list of rules and definitions for the positions of Platoon Sergeant and SFC.
Podcast is a self-sent email containing an NCO Journal article about the officer and NCO relationship and the roles of different ranks.
Personnel Selection and Classification Command Sergeants Major 4 is a 1968 Department of the Army list written by Harold K. Johnson.
Personnel Selection and Classification Command Sergeants Major 3 is a 1968 Department of the Army list by W.C. Westmoreland.
Personnel Selection and Classification Command Sergeants Major 2 is a 1968 Department of the Army paper by Harold K. Johnson.
Personnel Selection and Classification Command Sergeants Major is a 1968 Department of the Army list written by Harold K. Johnson.
Origins of Creed of Noncommissioned Officer Manuscript is an overview of the history of the NCO Creed by Dan Elder and Felix Sanchez.
Origins of Creed of Noncommissioned Officers is a collection of history and versions of the NCO Creed by Dan Elder and Felix Sanchez.
Origin of the NCO Creed… Still Searching is a 1997 NCO Journal article written by David Abrams about the search for the original author.
by Dan Elder
by Jack L. Tilley
by Dan Elder