Regulations for the Uniform and Dress of the Army of the United States is an 1839 General Order from the Adjutant General’s Office.
Re: [BISSELL] Re: Sgt. Daniel Bissell Jr.-Revolutionary War is an email sent to descendants of Daniel Bissell.
Purple Heart Medal Traced to American Revolution is a 2004 Gazette Adviser article written by Darrell F. Kuhn.
Report of Operations is a 1946 Headquarters Constabulary School paper written by Dee W. Pettigrew Jr. about the United States Constabulary School.
Purple Heart’s Beginnings is a question-and-answer article about the origin of the Purple Heart and its place on Revolutionary War uniforms.
Quarter Century With the Infantry is a 1969 Army Digest interview with Sergeant Major Albert Lee Wallace about the Infantry.
Real Sergeants Don’t Know What Quiche is, is a Steele Mill article written by Dennis Steele about the quality of sergeants.
Remarks of the Honorable Stephen Ailes is a 1964 record of a speech given by Stephen Ailes at the George C. Marshall Memorial Dinner.
by Dan Elder
by Jack L. Tilley
by Dan Elder