Selection of Non-Commissioned Officers is a 1923 Infantry Journal article written by Alfred Hahn on the selection and training of NCOs.
Select21 Project Requirements Summary is a 2003 schedule for projects including personnel requirements and locations.
Select21 Criterion Measures by Performance Requirement Matrix is a 2003 matrix for the assessment of personnel.
Reservist Recounts Silver Star Actions is a 2005 American Forces Information Service article written by Samantha L. Quigley.
Review and Decision for Request for Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) for Command Sergeants Major is a 1996 memorandum.
Secret New England: Sergeant Bissell’s Purple Heart is the 7th chapter of the 2003 book Secret New England: Spies of the American Revolution.
School for Noncoms is a 1947 Infantry Journal article written by Walden F. Woodward, included in the file are parts of other articles.
School for Noncoms is a 1947 Infantry Journal article written by Mark M. Boatner III about the establishment of the Lido Training Center.
Revolutionary War – Medals and Awards is a 2006 Sons of Liberty article about the establishment of the Badge of Distinction and The Military Badge of Merit.
by Dan Elder
by Jack L. Tilley
by Dan Elder