Vault Archive

Soldier Record Brief

Soldier Record Brief is a 2013 The Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army article describing the SRB and what it contains.

Staff Study, Command Sergeants Major Program

Staff Study, Command Sergeants Major Program is a fact sheet written by J.A. Leclair, Jr. that gives information on the Sergeant Major rank.

Soldier: William McKinley, Jr.

Soldier: William McKinley, Jr. is a 2018 Army Historical Society biography written by Emily C.R. George about the twenty-fifth president.

SMA Says Army Needs More Junior NCOs

SMA Says Army Needs More Junior NCOs is a 2000 Army Link News article written by Connie E. Dickey about NCO recruitment.

Six Myths about Digital Skills Training

Six Myths about Digital Skills Training is a 2001 research paper for the U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences.

Sergeants Make it Happen

Sergeants Make it Happen is a 1989 Field Artillery article about Noncommissioned Officers with Sergeant Major Smith as an example.

Sergeant, What’s your Rank?

Sergeant, What’s your Rank? is a 1964 ARMY article written by John F. Whitley also included is the article Manhattan Survey.

Service Overseas First Recognized with Chevron

Service Overseas First Recognized with Chevron is a 2006 Army Times article written by Fred L. Borch and Robert F. Dorr.

Sergeant Daniel Bissell, Jr.

Sergeant Daniel Bissell, Jr. is a 2004 U.S. Army Infantry Homepage biography of Daniel Bissell the Revolutionary spy.