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The Sergeant Major Rank in the U.S. Army a Selected Bibliography

The Sergeant Major Rank in the U.S. Army a Selected Bibliography is a list of sources compiled by Learning Resources Center USASMA.

U.S. Army Command Information Fact Sheet

U.S. Army Command Information Fact Sheet is a U.S. Army Command Information Unit informational paper on the revision of the enlisted insignia.

The Command Sergeant Major (Unpublished)

The Command Sergeant Major (Unpublished) is a 1982 draft written by Bruce C. Clarke about the history of the CSM.

The History of the Sergeant Major Published

The History of the Sergeant Major Published is a 1998 NCO Journal article written by Dan Elder about the history of the Sergeant Major.

The History of the Sergeant Major

The History of the Sergeant Major is a 1998 US Army Museum of the Noncommissioned Officer Research Project article written by Dan Elder.

The Sergeant Major’s Role- Leadership ‘to Show the Way’

The Sergeant Major’s Role- Leadership ‘to Show the Way’ is a 1986 ARMY article about the expectations of the Sergeant Major.

The Sergeant-Major

The Sergeant-Major is a 1930 The Canadian Military Gazette article written by T.J. Edwards about the history of the Sergeant Major.

The Command Sergeant Major

The Command Sergeant Major is a 1982 Engineer article written by Bruce C. Clarke about military history and the establishment of the CSM.

The Sergeant Major

The Sergeant Major is a 1969 Infantry article written by Bob L. Williams about the role of a Sergeant Major.