Numeric Breakdown of Army Hotline Calls is a 1996 document that includes the statistics for hotline calls over the year.
Trainer/Trainee Sexual Misconduct Investigations is a 1996 information paper about the USACIDC investigation.
Generally Speaking, pg. 172 & 173 is an excerpt from the 2001 book Generally Speaking written by Claudia J. Kennedy.
Combating Sexual Harassment is a 1996 SOLDIERS article written by Gil High about sexual harassment and tips on how to fight it.
Sexual Misconduct Investigation by USACIDC is a 1996 information paper written by CW3 Baker about sexual harassment.
Chief Speaks on Sexual Harassment is a 1997 Army News Service article written by Gerry Gilmore about McKinney’s statement.
Army Announces Sexual Harassment Panel and Inspector General Review is a 1996 U.S. Army News Release article.
Aberdeen Proving Ground Notes is a 1996 list of notes and comments from AIT students in Gymnasium and a forum.
by Dan Elder
by Jack L. Tilley
by Dan Elder