Vault Archive

Numeric Breakdown of Army Hotline Calls

Numeric Breakdown of Army Hotline Calls is a 1996 document that includes the statistics for hotline calls over the year.

Trainer/Trainee Sexual Misconduct Investigations

Trainer/Trainee Sexual Misconduct Investigations is a 1996 information paper about the USACIDC investigation.

Generally Speaking, pg. 172 & 173

Generally Speaking, pg. 172 & 173 is an excerpt from the 2001 book Generally Speaking written by Claudia J. Kennedy.

Combating Sexual Harassment

Combating Sexual Harassment is a 1996 SOLDIERS article written by Gil High about sexual harassment and tips on how to fight it.

Sexual Misconduct Investigation by USACIDC

Sexual Misconduct Investigation by USACIDC is a 1996 information paper written by CW3 Baker about sexual harassment.

Chief Speaks on Sexual Harassment

Chief Speaks on Sexual Harassment is a 1997 Army News Service article written by Gerry Gilmore about McKinney’s statement.

Army Announces Sexual Harassment Panel and Inspector General Review

Army Announces Sexual Harassment Panel and Inspector General Review is a 1996 U.S. Army News Release article.

Aberdeen Proving Ground Notes

Aberdeen Proving Ground Notes is a 1996 list of notes and comments from AIT students in Gymnasium and a forum.