Vault Archive

SMA Copeland Interview

SMA Copeland Interview is an interview with Sergeant Major of the Army Silas L. Copeland.

Polk and Westmoreland Mail

Polk and Westmoreland Mail is a 1970 letter sent by W.C. Westmoreland to James H. Polk about the nomination of CSM.

General May Mail

General May Mail is a 1974 letter sent by Fred C. Weyand to General May about the extension of SMA Van Autreve.

Reply to Letter from Major General May, Adjutant General of Iowa

Reply to Letter from Major General May, Adjutant General of Iowa is a 1974 message sent by Robert D. Stevenson

Command Sergeant Major Course Overview

Command Sergeant Major Course Overview is a 1996 USASMA overview of the different courses and the schedule for the classes.

Nominative CSM Roster

Nominative CSM Roster is a 2001 roster which lists the contact information of CSMs of all the different ranks.

Review and Decision for Request for Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) for Command Sergeants Major

Review and Decision for Request for Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) for Command Sergeants Major is a 1996 paper by Theodore G. Stroup Jr.

Special Duty Assignment Pay for Command Sergeants Major in Positions Where Rater/Senior Rater/Reviewer Are All General Officers

Special Duty Assignment Pay for Command Sergeants Major in Positions Where Rater/Senior Rater/Reviewer Are All General Officers is a QnA page.

Mail About SDAP

Mail About SDAP is a letter sent to Sergeant Major William O. Wooldridge about an inquiry into special duty assignment pay.