NCO History Sponsored by Institute of Advanced NCO Leadership Logo

Westmoreland and Matthews Mail

Westmoreland and Matthews Mail header

Westmoreland and Matthews Mail is a 1970 letter written by Jack B. Matthews to William C. Wooldridge with no nomination.

Westmoreland and Lang Mail

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Westmoreland and Lang Mail is a 1970 letter sent by Clarence J. Lang to William C. Westmoreland including no nomination.

Westmoreland and Latta Mail

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Westmoreland and Latta Mail is a letter written by W.B. Latta to William C. Westmoreland recommending no one.

Westmoreland and Taylor Mail 2

Westmoreland and Taylor Mail 2 header

Westmoreland and Taylor Mail 2 is a 1970 letter written by B.F. Taylor to William C. Westmoreland including more recommendations.

Arthur L. Snyder Nomination Removal

Arthur L. Snyder Nomination Removal title

Arthur L. Snyder Nomination Removal is a 1970 document written by Chester L. Johnson detailing the necessity of removing Snyder’s nomination.

Westmoreland and Johnson Mail

Westmoreland and Johnson Mail header

Westmoreland and Johnson Mail is a 1970 letter sent by Chester L. Johnson to William C. Westmoreland recommending Arthur L. Snyder.