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A Korean-era Corporal of the 45th Infantry Division n a wool fatigue top
Subject List: A forever work in progress listing of links of interest arranged alphabetically here on ncohistory.com. .
Arceneaux, CSM Leroy
- CSM Leroy Arceneaux, CSM at 30 years old (Redstone Arsenal)
Artwork - Noncommissioned Officer
Badge of Military Merit (Also see Purple Heart)
- Our Purple Heart Heritage Army Aug 2003
- General Order, August 7, 1782 Washington's General Order for establishing the Badge for Military Merit
The Blue Book - digital copy of one of the original versions of the Regulations for the order and discipline of the troops of the United States. Part I.
Conscript/Conscription (Also see Draft)
Command Sergeant Major (Also see Sergeant Major)
Dining In
Formal Dining-In Handbook, ARMY SERGEANTS MAJOR ACADEMY FORT BLISS TX, 1983Draft (Also see Conscription)
- Undergraduate Research Guide: Military Draft University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dobol, Theodore (Ted), Cmd Sgt Maj
- Two future SMAs (Wooldridge & Bainbridge) with Sgt Maj Ted Dobol in Vietnam (photo)
- Normandy, June 6, 1955: Master Sgt. Theodore Dobol of the 1st Infantry Division places a wreath at the grave of Brig. Gen. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. during a ceremony at the U.S. cemetery at Omaha Beach.
- Nov 1996 edition of The Talon commemorating Cmd Sgt Maj Ted Dobol and the renaming of Camp Alisha to Camp Dobol.
First Sergeant:
- First Sergeant Duty Infantry Magazine, Sept-Dec, 2000 by Master Sergeant Bertram F. Vaughan
- Dedication to the First Sergeant Rod Powers
- The Diamond (NCO Journal) Robert Bouilly
Historical Summaries
Hogan, 1SG Henry
Noncommissioned Officer:
- Short History of the NCO (L.R. Arms)
- The Army Noncommissioned Officers Guide, FM 7-22.7
- NCO History, NCO Guide FM 7-22.7
- Identify the Historical Progression and Significiant Contributions of the Non-commissioned Officer Corps 400-022-1001 (ATSC)
- The Trials and Tribulations of Korean War NCO COL John Collins Feb 2003 ARMY - A detailed article on events that led to major changes in the post WWII Army.
Noncommissioned Officer Academies
Noncommissioned Officer Candidate Course (NCOCC)
- NCO Candidate Course (Extract) (Dan Elder)
- History of the Noncommissioned Officer Candidate Course NCOCC
- AR 601-233, 7 Apr 69, Combat Arms Noncommissioned Officer Candidate Enlistment Option Program Pentagon Library
- Shake and Bake NCOs, A Working Bibliography of MHI Sources USMHI
- The Noncommissioned Officer Candidate Course Haines Research Paper, USASMA, page 75
Noncommissioned Officer Creed
- Origins of the NCO Creed (NCO Journal, Dan Elder and Felix Sanchez)
Noncommissioned Officer Journal (NCO Journal)
Noncommissioned Officer Education System
- History of of the Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC) Dr. Robert Bouilly
- Educating Noncommissioned Officers: The history (Dan Elder)
- Education System Pays Off Army, AUSA
Oral Interview Transcripts
- Oral Interview Transcripts of past SMAs (USASMA)
- OPERATION Desert Shield/Storm Interviews (CMH)
- OPERATION Just Cause Interviews (CMH)
- A Sergeant Major's Philosophy, Sergeant Major Kusko, Stanley A., WWII
- Airborne Combat World War II, Combat Operations, Sgt. Burgett, Donald
- Effects of Prolonged Combat World War II Combat Operations Corporal Marchetti, John
- Train to Fight Vietnam Combat Operations Staff Sergeant White, Reginald ARMY
- SOP's save lives in combat Panama Combat Operations Sgt M., Steve
Project 100,000
- Project 100,000: Testimony and Report on the Study of Vietnam War Era Low Aptitude Military Recruits American War Library
- Bibliography, African-American Involvement in the Vietnam War, Project 100,000
- PROJECT 100,000/TRANSITION, 1966‑71 A Working Bibliography of MHI Sources
Rank (Also see Insignia):
- History of Enlisted Ranks
- Short History of the Specialist Rank (Dan Elder)
- Insignia: The Way You Tell Who's Who in the Military AFIS
- US Army Insignia Homepage USAIHP
- US Military Enlisted Rank Insignia DoD
- History of Army Air Corps Insgnia (USAF)
- WWI Uniforms and Insignia (Rootsweb)
- Dating US Army Chevrons (Howard Lanham)
Roosevelt, 1SG George Washington
Ryan, 1SG John
Sergeant Major (also see Command Sergeant Major)
- History of the Sergeant Major (Dan Elder)
Sergeant Major of the Army
- Office of the Sergeant Major of the Army (Dan Elder)
Studies, Committee's and Reports
- Doolittle Board - Officer - Enlisted Man Relationships 1946 Report of the Secretary of War's Board on Officer - Enlisted Man Relationships
- Hook Commission - 1949 article from Army Information Digest, "Career Compensation for the Services" discussing the Hook Commission results.
- Womble Board 1953 Final Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Future of Military Service as a Career that will Attract and Retain Capable Career Personnel
- Cordiner Committee - Executive Summary of the 1957 Report of the Defense Advisory Committee on Professional and Technical Compensation.
- Haines Board - 1966 article in Army Digest reporting highlights of the Haines board on Education
- Emerson Board - Introduction (only) of the 1971 Report of the CONARC Leadership Board
- USAWC Study of Leadership for the Professional Soldier - Executive Summary of 1 July 1971 report.
- Competency Testing (ARI)
- US Enlisted Uniforms 1900-1918 Presented by: Glenn E. Hyatt Fredericksburg Memorial Military Museum
- The WAAC Uniform US Army Womens Museum
- Vietnam The National Archives online documents relating to the Vietnam conflict. Good site for source material.
- von Stueben - Baron Von Stueben essay
Women's Army Corps (WAC/WAAC)
- The Women's Army Corps, 1945-1978 COL Bettie J. Morden, CMH (1990 Edition)
- The Woman's Army Corps, A Commemoration of World War II Service, By Judith A. Bellafaire
- Women in the Military, US Army
- The Women's Army Corps LTC Mattie Treadwell, USAFR, CMH (1953 Edition)
- The WAAC Uniform, US Army Womens Museum
- Images, The WAAC Uniform, US Army Womens Museum
- Women in Vietnam, including first WAC Det.
- Unarmed and under fire: An oral history of female Vietnam vets
- History of women NCOs 1961-1975
History of women NCOs 1976-Present- WACs at War, National Army Museum
- The Women's Army Corps Veterans' Association
Women in the Military:
Woodfill, Samuel
- May 18, 1942 Time article on Woodfill and York
- Photo of Samuel Woodfill, proclaimed highest decorated doughboy in WWI
- Nov 21, 1921 NY Times article on Samuel Woodfill
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