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This is a book of quotations by and about noncommissioned officers, and spans centuries of the Army’s experience in peace and war. It includes all members of the Total Army: the Active Army, the Reserve Components (Reserves and National Guard), the Army Family, the Civilian Corps, Veterans, and the Retired Corps, and has three purposes...:

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Books (Alphabetical by Title)

Abraham Lincoln. Speeches and Writings 1859-1865. NY: Library of America, 1989.

Advice to the Officers of the British Army: With the Addition of Some Hints to the Drummer and Private Soldier. Francis Grose. London: W. Richardson, 1783.

All for the Union: The Civil War Diary and Letters of Elisha Hunt Rhodes. Edited by Robert Hunt Rhodes. NY: Orion, 1991.

Anima’dversions of Warre, or, a Militarie Magazine of the Truest Rules, and Ablest Instructions, for the Managing of Warre. Robert Ward. London: John Dawson, 1639.

An Anthology of Military Quotations. Edited by Michael Dewar. London: Robert Hale, 1990.

Approved Order of Martiall Discipline. Giles Clayton. London: I. C. for Abraham Kitsonne, 1591.

The Army of Frederick the Great. Christopher Duffy. NY: Hippocrene, 1974.

The Army of the Caesars. Michael Grant. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1974.

Back Home. Bill Mauldin. NY: William Sloane, 1947.

The Brass Ring. Bill Mauldin. NY: W. W. Norton, 1971.

Brave Men. Ernie Pyle. NY: Henry Holt, 1944.

The British Soldier: A Social History from 1661 to the Present Day. J. M. Bereton. London: Bodley Head, 1986.

Certain Victory: The U.S. Army in the Gulf War. BG Robert H. Scales. DC: Brassey’s, 1994.

Clarke of St. Vith: The Sergeants’ General. William Donohue Ellis and COL Thomas J. Cunningham, Cleveland: Dillon/Liederbach, 1974.

Customs of Service for Noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers. BG August V. Kautz. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1865.

A Dictionary of the Military Science. E. S. N. Campbell. London: Baldwin and Cradock, 1830.

A Discourse of Military Discipline, Devided into Three Boockes. Captaine Gerat Barry. Bruxells: Widowe of Jhon Mommart, 1634.

A Doughboy with the Fighting Sixty-Ninth: A Remembrance of World War I. Albert M. Ettinger and A. Churchchill Ettinger. Shippensburg, PA: White Mane, 1992.

Ernie’s War: The Best of Ernie Pyle’s World War II Dispatches. Edited by David Nichols. NY: Random House, 1986.

Fit for Service: The Training of the British Army, 1715-1795. J. A. Houlding. Oxford: Clarendon Press: 1981.

Five Years a Dragoon [1849-1854] and Other Adventures on the Great Plains. Percival G. Lowe. Kansas City: Franklin Hudson, 1906.

From Here to Eternity. James Jones. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1951.

The G.I. Journal of Sergeant Giles. Compiled and edited by Janice Holt Giles. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1965.

Guardians of the Republic: A History of the Noncommissioned Officer Corps of the U.S. Army. Ernest F. Fisher. NY: Ballantine, 1994.

Handbook and Manual for the Noncommissioned Officer. DC: Combat Forces Press, 1952.

Harry S. Truman: The Memorable Words of the Man from Missouri. Compiled by Ted Sheldon. Kansas City: Hallmark, 1970.

Hawaii. James A. Michener. NY: Random House, 1959.

Hints and Helps for National Guardsmen: A Hand-Book for the Militia. COL William H. Roberts. NY: D. Van Nostrand, 1880.

A History of the British Army. Vol 1. The Hon. J. W. Fortescue. London: MacMillan, 1910.

Hope Is Not a Method: What Business Leaders Can Learn from America’s Army. Gordon R. Sullivan and Michael V. Harper. NY: Random House, 1996.

How to Get Along in the Army. "Old Sarge." NY: D. Appleton-Century, 1942.

Indian-Fighting Army. Fairfax Downey. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1943.

Infantryman Pettit: The Civil War Letters of Corporal Frederick Pettit. Edited by William Gilfillan Gavin. Shippensburg, PA: White Mane, 1990.

Instructions for the Non-Commissioned Officer. 1LT John W. Norwood. Columbus: Edward Miller, 1909.

Kim. Rudyard Kipling. NY: Doubleday, 1900.

The Making of Israel’s Army. GEN Yigal Allon. NY: Universe, 1970.

Medal of Honor: A Vietnam Warrior’s Story. MSG Roy Benavidez with John R. Craig. DC: Brassey’s, 1995.

Military Essayes of the Ancient Grecian, Roman, and Modern Art of War. Written in the Years 1670 and 1671. Sir James Turner, Knight. London: Richard Chiswell, 1683.

The Military Garden...Instructions for All Young Souldiers. James Achesone. Edinburgh: John Wreittoun, 1629.

The Military Guide for Young Officers. Vol 1. Thomas Simes. London: J. Humphreys, R. Bell, and R. Aitken, 1776.

The Military Maxims of Napoleon. Napoleon, in Roots of Strategy: The 5 Greatest Military Classics of All Time. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole, 1985.

The Mind of Napoleon: A Selection from His Written and Spoken Words Edited and Translated by J. Christopher Herold. NY: Columbia University Press, 1955.

Mrs. NCO. Mary Preston Gross with Joyce Johnson. Chuluota, FL: Beau Lac, 1969.

My American Journey. Colin L. Powell with Joseph E. Persico. NY: Random House, 1995.

The NCO Guide. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole, 1982, 1989, 1992.

Noncommissioned Officers’ Manual. CPT James A. Moss; revised by COL Jas. A. Moss. Based on the collated experiences of over 50 experienced noncommissioned officers of the Regular Army. Menasha, WI: George Banta, 1909, 1917.

The Noncom’s Guide. Harrisburg, PA: Military Service [Stackpole], 1948, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1962, 1965, 1970 [The New Noncom’s Guide].

The Officer’s Guide. MG Russel B. Reynolds. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole, 1970.

The Old Sergeant’s Conferences. COL William H. Waldron. DC: Infantry Journal, 1930.

On the Word Of Command: A Pictorial History of the Regimental Sergeant Major. Richard Alford. Tunbridge Wells, Kent: Spellmount, 1990.

Ordeal at Valley Forge: A Day-by-Day Chronicle from December 17, 1777 to June 18, 1778. Compiled from the Sources. John Joseph Stoudt. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1963.

A Path-Way to Military Practise. Barnabe Rich. London: John Charlewood, 1587.

Personal Perspectives on the Gulf War. Arlington, VA: AUSA Institute of Land Warfare, 1993.

A Perspective on Infantry. John A. English. NY: Praeger, 1981.

Polishing Up the Brass: Honest Observations on Modern Military Life. Michele McCormick. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole, 1988.

Quartered Safe Out Here: A Recollection of the War in Burma. George MacDonald Fraser. London: HarperCollins, 1992.

Rank and File: The Common Soldier at Peace and War 1642-1914. Compiled by T. H. McGuffie. London: Hutchinson, 1964.

[Books quoted in Rank and File include the following:]
A Private’s Reminiscences of the First Year of the War. E. Benjamin Andrews (Company C. Fourth Connecticut Infantry, subsequently the First Providence), Rhode Island, 1886.
The Progress of a Ploughboy to a Seat in Parliament. [William Cobbett] Edited by William Reitzell. Faber & Faber, London, 1933.
Army Life: A Private’s Reminiscences of the Civil War. Reverend Theodore Gerrish, late a member of the 20th Maine Volunteers. Portland, Maine, 1882.
A Soldier of the Legion. An Englishman’s Adventures under the French Flag in Algeria and Tonquin. George Manington. Edited by W. B. Slater and Arthur J. Sarl. London, 1907.
A King’s Hussar: Being the Military Memoirs for Twenty-five Years of a Troop-Sergeant-Major of the 14th (King’s) Hussars (E. Mole). Collected and condensed by Herbert Compton. London, 1893.
From Private to Field Marshall. Field Marshal Sir William Robertson, Bt. London, 1921.
In the Foreign Legion. Erwin Rosen. London, 1910.

Regulations for the Prussian Infantry. Translated from the German Original [1759]. NY: Greenwood Press, 1968.

Reminiscences and Reflections. Vol 2. Marshal of the Soviet Union G. Zhukov. Moscow: Progress, 1985.

The Roman Soldier. G. R. Watson. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1969.

Roots of Two Black Marine Sergeants Major: Sergeants Major Edgar R. Huff and Gilbert H. "Hashmark" Johnson. LTC Jesse J. Johnson. Hampton, VA: Ebony, 1978.

Selected Speeches and Statements of General of the Army George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff, United States Army. Edited by MAJ H. A. DeWeerd. DC: Infantry Journal, 1945.

Sergeant York: An American Hero. David D. Lee. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1985.

The Sergeants Major of the Army: On Leadership and the Profession of Arms. Compiled by M. Merrick Yamamoto. Arlington, VA: AUSA Institute of Land Warfare, 1996.

(Shakespeare, William) The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Edited by William Aldis Wright. NY: Garden City Books, 1936.

A Soldier Reports. GEN William C. Westmoreland. NY: Doubleday, 1976.

Soldier: The Memoirs of Matthew B. Ridgway. GEN Matthew B. Ridgway. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1956.

Ten Years in the Ranks U.S. Army. [1854-1866] Augustus Meyers. NY: Arno Press, 1979.

The Theorike and Practike of Moderne Warres. Robert Barrett. London: for William Ponsonby, 1598.

The Three Wars of Roy Benavidez. Roy P. Benavidez and Oscar Griffin. San Antonio: Corona, 1986.

To Hell and Back. Audie Murphy. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Tab Books, 1988 [reprinted from 1949].

Top Sergeant: The Life and Times of Sergeant Major of the Army William G. Bainbridge. SMA (Ret.) William G. Bainbridge and Dan Cragg. NY: Ballantine, 1995.

To Revel in God’s Sunshine: The Story of the Army Career of the Late Academy Sergeant Major J. C. Lord, MVO, MBE. Compiled by Richard Alford. Kendal, Cumbria: Westmorland Gazette, 1981.

A Treasury of NCO Quotations: Quotations By and About Noncommissioned Officers and the Noncommissioned Officer Corps. Compiled by M. Merrick Yamamoto. No publishing information.

Ultima Star Spangled Cookbook. Compiled by Carolyn Abing, Glenda Anderson, Paula Arista, Anne Conyers, Cindy Gainey, Barbara Harwood, Theresa Hofeditz, Debbie Noelk, Linda Peck, Anita Villasenor, Deborah Wamsley, Gabiele Weaver. US Army Sergeants Major Academy Class 41, 1993.

Up Front. Bill Mauldin. NY: World, 1945.

Wallensteins Lager. Friedrich Schiller [1800]. Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam, 1995.

Official Publications (Chronological Order)

Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States, 1779 (MG Frederick von Steuben).

Report of the Secretary of War, in War Department, U. S. A. Annual Reports, 1889.

Report of the Inspector-General, in Annual Report of the Secretary of War, 1893.

Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Infantry of the Army of the United States, 1917.

What the Soldier Thinks: A Monthly Digest of War Department Studies on the Attitudes of American Troops. [A series of monthly reports from 1943 to 1945], signed by GA George C. Marshall.

War Department Circular 70, Noncommissioned Officers, 1944.

TM 16-205, The Chaplain, 1944.

TGGS Special Text No. 1, Leadership for the Company Officer, 1949, Fort Riley, KS.

DA Pam 350-12, Guide for Squad Leaders, 1967.

DA Pam 350-13, Guide for Platoon Sergeants, 1967.

DA Pam 360-303, The Challenge of Leadership, 1969.

FM 22-600-20 (Advance Copy), The Duties, Responsibilities and Authority of NCO’s and the Interplay and Relationship with the Duties, Responsibilities and Authority of Officers: Doctrine and Methodology, 1977, US Army Sergeants Major Academy.

FM 22-600-20, The Army Noncommissioned Officer Guide, 1980.

E. C. Meyer, General, United States Army Chief of Staff June 1979-June 1983.

USACGSC RB 22-2, The Commander’s "Link": A Helpful Reference to Meet the Challenge of Community Leadership, 1983.

FM 22-600-20, The Army Noncommissioned Officer Guide, 1986.

Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Study Final Report, Vols 1 and 2, 1986.

Collected Works of the Thirtieth Chief of Staff, United States Army: John A. Wickham, Jr., General, United States Army Chief of Staff June 1983-June 1987.

DA Pam 600-25, US Army Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Guide, 1987.

DA Pam 623-205, The Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Reporting System "In Brief", 1988.

The Story of the Noncommissioned Officer Corps, 1989, edited by Arnold G. Fisch and Robert K. Wright, 1989, CMH.

Time-Honored Professionals: The NCO Corps Since 1775, 1989, Center of Military History.

NCO Lessons Learned, 1989, Center for Army Lessons Learned, Ft. Leavenworth, KS.

Army National Guard Noncommissioned Officer Handbook, 1989, foreword by CSM G. Steven Blackwood, Office of the Director, Army National Guard.

Sergeant Major of the Army George W. Dunaway: The Second Sergeant Major of the Army 1968-1970. CMH Interview, 1990.

TC 22-6, The Army Noncommissioned Officer Guide, 1990.

TC 12-16, PAC Noncommissioned Officer’s Guide, 1991.

Collected Works of the Thirty-first Chief of Staff, United States Army: Carl E. Vuono, General, United States Army Chief of Staff June 1987-June 1991.

Buffalo Soldiers at Fort Leavenworth in the 1930s and Early 1940s, 1991, Interviews by MAJ George E. Knapp, Combat Studies Institute, CGSC.

"The NCO" In Their Own Words, 1991, FORSCOM.

TRADOC Pam 525-100-4, Leadership and Command on the Battlefield: Noncommissioned Officer Corps: JUST CAUSE: DESERT STORM, 1994.

The Sergeants Major of the Army, 1995, by Mark F. Gillespie, Glen R. Hawkins, Michael B. Kelly, and Preston E. Pierce, CMH.

Gordon R. Sullivan: The Collected Works 1991-1995.

Command, Leadership, and Effective Staff Support: A Handbook Including Practical Ways for the Staff to Increase Support to Battalion and Company Commanders, 1996, Information Management Support Center.

Periodicals (Alphabetical by Title)

"Accept Changes, Adjust Training." SFC Toby K. Bogges. NCO Journal (Fall 1993): 19.

"Additional Thoughts." CSM John W. Gillis. Armor (Nov-Dec 1982): 7.

"Adjusting to Change: The Leadership Challenge." CSM Charles T. Tucker. Engineer (Spring 1986): 8.

"An Architecture for Effective Counseling." MSG John P. Fillop. Army Communicator (Winter 1988): 6-11.

"Are You a Whetstone?" CSM John D. Woodyard. NCO Journal (Summer 1993): 18.

"Are You Ready for the First Battle?" CSM Matthew Lee. Engineer (Summer 1986): 3.

"The Army as a Career." MSG William J. Daly. Army Information Digest (Feb 1952): 40-46.

"The Army as an Institution." SMA Glen E. Morrell. Sergeants’ Business (Mar-Apr 1987): 4.

"The Army’s SMAs from the Beginning to the Present." Larry Arms and MSG Jaime Cavazos. NCO Journal (Summer 1994): 9-13.

"Army Themes: Providing Identity, Purpose." SSG J. C. Matthews. INSCOM (Aug-Sep 1989): 6-9.

"As a Senior NCO Sees It." SGM John G. Stepanek. Army Digest (Aug 1967): 5-6.

"As I See It." Interview with SMA Leon L. Van Autreve by MSG Nat Dell. Soldiers (Jul 1975): 6-9.

"As the SMA Sees It." SMA Glen E. Morrell. Army Trainer (Fall 1984): 21-24.

"Banquet Honors Outstanding Airmen of the Year." Spacemaker (16 Feb 1995): 10.

"The Battalion S1 Project: Mastering the Army Paperwork Load." MSG Terry Dow. Army Trainer (Winter 1988): 35

"Battle Lab NCOs." SFC Donald L. Terry. NCO Journal (Spring 1995): 12-13.

"Battle Maxims for the Russian Soldier: Field Service Regulations." Infantry (Feb 1917): 469.

"Being a Soldier." SMA Richard A. Kidd. Soldiers (May 1994): inside back cover.

"Bridge the Gap." CSM Roy L. Burns. Engineer (Feb 1993): 45; (Apr 1993): 49.

"Bridge the Gap." CSM Matthew Lee. Engineer (No. 3, 1987): 3.

"Bridge the Gap." CSM Richard N. Wilson. Engineer (Apr 1992): 73; (Nov 1992): 57.

"Bridge the Gap." CSM W. E. Woodall. Engineer (Jul 1991): 3

"Broadening the Picture Calls for Tuning Leadership Styles." Dennis Steele. ARMY (Dec 1989): 37-39.

"Buck Sergeant Billey." LTC Robert D. Williams. Soldiers (Mar 1983): 25-26.

"Building Teams That Work." SFC Douglas C. Sleeth. NCO Journal (Winter 1993): 6.

"Building the Force: ‘Skill, Will and Teamwork.’" CSM George D. Mock and SFC John K. D’Amato. NCO Journal (Summer 1991): 18-19.

"Bullets Can Kill an NCO-ER." Recruiter (Feb 1994): 7-8.

"By Jupiter, We’ll Do It!" MSG Forrest K. Kleinman. ARMY (Dec 1958): 44-45.

"Can Armor Be All It Can Be?" CSM John M. Stephens. Armor (Nov-Dec 1985): 7.

"Chain of Command: It Links Private to President." SGM Bruce N. Bant. Soldiers (Oct 1979): 6-12.

"The Challenge of Change." SGM Thomas E. Stangel. Army Communicator (Summer 1994): 33.

"Changes in the Quartermaster Corps." Interview with CSM Charles E. Webster by SSG Joseph P. Satterthwaite. Army Trainer(Fall 1989): 49-52.

"The Chief’s View of NCO Leadership Challenges." GEN Gordon R. Sullivan. NCO Journal (Winter 1994): 6-8.

"Climbing to the Summit." Donna Miles. Soldiers (Nov 1985): 14-16.

"Counseling." SSG John A. Sigmon. NCO Journal (Fall 1992): 20-21.

"Counseling Is Always Caring." SFC Mark Bergman. NCO Journal (Fall 1994): 20.

"Command Sergeant Major: A New Breed of ‘Old’ Soldier." MSG Matt Glasgow. Soldiers (Mar 1981): 28-31.

"Communicative Skills- A Must for NCOs." SGM Jack L. Hooper. NCO Call (Nov-Dec 1990): 2-5.

"CSA Counts on NCOs to Keep the Spirit Alive." GEN Dennis J. Reimer. NCO Journal (Spring 1996): 4-5.

"CSM Forum." CSM Randolph Hollingsworth. Military Intelligence (Jan-Mar 1996): 3-4; (Apr-Jun 1996): 3-5.

"CSM Woodyard’s Counsel, Influence Touched Many Lives." LTC Gary J. Motsek. NCO Journal (Winter 1994): 22.

"The Cutting Edge." Interview with CSM Alexander Freitas and CSM Larry J. Hampton. Army Trainer (Winter 1985): 20-25.

"A Day in the Life of a Drill Sergeant." SFC Matt Glasgow. Soldiers (Aug 1978): 6-12, 14.

"$$ & $ense: Squad Leaders and Platoon Sergeants Can Help Solve Pay Complaints." SGM Richard L. Barnes. NCO Journal (Winter 1996): 18-19.

"The Drawdown Has Overall Benefitted the NCO Corps." LTG Theodore G. Stroup. NCO Journal (Summer 1996): 22.

"Drill Sergeant." SSG Paul D. Richard. Army Digest (Aug 1968): 21-23.

"A Duty to Prepare." SGT Margaret E. Lynch. NCO Journal (Summer 1992): 3.

"Education: One Key to NCO Development." Interview with CSM David P. Taylor. Field Artillery (Dec 1988): 39-41.

"Efficiency Reports I Have Known." Infantry (Jun 1947): 76.

"The Enlisted Apprentice." MAJ B. G. Chynoweth. Infantry (Nov 1921): 486-491.

"The Failure of Ex-Corporal Flump." SFC E. Lafayette Deal. ARMY (Feb 1958): 40-41.

"Female CSM Has Human Answers." All Volunteer (Feb 1981): 14.

"Fighting the System." CSM John M. Stephens. Armor (Jan-Feb 1985): 7-8.

"First, and Getting Firster." SMA William G. Bainbridge. ARMY (Oct 1975): 23-24.

"First Line Leader." Gerri Taylor. Soldiers (Jun 1985): 28-31.

"The First Sergeant." CSM William J. Cronin. Infantry (Nov-Dec 1981): 39-41.

"The First Sergeant." Sergeants’ Business (Mar-Apr 1989): 16-17.

"1st Sgt. Frank Copley: A Brown Shoe Army NCO Remembered." COL John J. Betz. ARMY (Nov 1989): 48-51.

"First Sergeant and Master Sergeant." INSCOM (Aug-Sep 1989): 21.

"1SG Vance Marchbanks: A Buffalo Soldier NCO." NCO Journal (Summer 1995): 19.

"Fit to Lead; Fit to Fight." CSM Henry Bone. NCO Journal (Summer 1993): 3.

"For NCO’s: Leadership, Hard Work and TRAINING." SMA William A. Connelly. ARMY (Oct 1980): 21-24.

"From the CSM." CSM Robert H. Retter. Military Intelligence (Oct-Dec 1985): 3.

"From the Parade Grounds of the Past to the Center Stage of the Present." ARMY (Dec 1989): 42-43.

"From the Quartermaster Sergeant Major." CSM Milton B. Hazzard. Quartermaster NCO Update (Winter/Spring 1993): ii.

"From the Regimental Command Sergeant Major." CSM Aaron N. Gibson. Army Chaplaincy (Summer 1995): 2.

"From the Regimental Sergeant Major." CSM James W. Frye. Military Police (Fall 1983): 3; (Winter 1984): 3.

"From the SMA." SMA Julius W. Gates. NCO Call (May-Jun 1990): inside front cover.

"From the SMA." SMA Richard A. Kidd. NCO Call (Sep-Oct 1991): inside front cover.

"From the Top." Interview with SMA Julius W. Gates. Army Trainer (Fall 1989): 2-5.

"From the TRADOC CSM." Interview with CSM William J. H. Peters by SGM Larry L. Melton. Army Trainer (Spring 1985):23-27.

"Futuristic Combat Gear Built Around the Soldier." SGM Edgar Torres-Berrios. NCO Journal (Summer 1992): 16-17.

"Getting Back to the Basics." SGT Paul Younghaus. Sergeants’ Business (Mar-Apr 1989): 4-6.

"Good NCOs Change, Not Good Leadership." SGM Harold G. Hull. NCO Journal (Summer 1994): 23.

"Hard Work, Leadership Still Keys to Quality." SMA Glen E. Morrell. ARMY (Oct 1984): 51-53.

"Health and Stress Management." MSG Bruce W. Barnes. Recruiter (Nov 1995): 12-13.

"Here’s Why, Sergeant Bowles." LTG W. L. Weible. Combat Forces Journal (Nov 1954): inside front cover.

"Hey, Baldy!" Donna Miles. Soldiers (Jun 1988): 28.

"Hicks Speaks on ADA Concerns, Strengths." Interview with CSM Harry E. Hicks. Air Defense Artillery (Sep-Oct 1987): 30-32.

"How Do You Set Their Souls on Fire?" MSG John McLennon. NCO Journal (Fall 1991): 12-13.

"How NCOs Support Military Justice." SGM Carlo Roquemore. Sergeants’ Business (Mar-Apr 1990): 2-3.

"How Newark Produces Results." SGT Herbert E. Smith. U.S. Army Recruiting News (15 Jun 1928): 4, 11.

"How Sergeant Dayve Gets ’Em." LT Herbert B. Mayer. U.S. Army Recruiting News (1 Apr 1922): 2.

"How to Be a Noncom." MSG Frank J. Clifford. Combat Forces Journal (Dec 1954): 25-27.

"How to Be a Successful Recruiter." SGT Frederick Sigmund. U.S. Army Recruiting News (31 Jul 1920): 6, 16.

"If It Says Army on It, I Know I’ll Like It." Sergeants’ Business (Mar-Apr 1989): 13-14.

"Increasing Training Effectiveness in the Reserves." MSG Lydia R. Mead. AUSA files (Jun 1995): no page numbers.

"Instilling Pride." CSM Ron R. Semon and LTC Cole Kingseed. NCO Journal (Winter 1993): 4-5.

"The Intangibles of Being a Good NCO." Joyce Lynch. Recruiting & Career Counseling (Oct 1977): 10-11.

"It’s Not a Game with Us." Dennis Steele. ARMY (Aug 1989): 49-50.

"It’s Tough to Be the First Domino." LTC Tom Hamrick. ARMY (Feb 1971): 39-41.

"I Want Out." SFC Patrick J. Coyle. Army Trainer (Fall 1989): 6-7.

"JRTC and Combat Success." CSM Autrail Cobb. NCO Journal (Summer 1991): 9-11.

"Keeping the Troops Informed." CSM Brent H. Cottrell. AUSA files: no date or page numbers.

"Keep Up with Change in ’80s." SMA William A. Connelly. ARMY (Oct 1982): 27-30.

"Kidd’s Post Ties Run Deep." Richard Puckett. Fort Hood Sentinel (4 May 1995): A12.

"Leadership- Awards." CSM Brent H. Cottrell. AUSA files: no date or page numbers.

"Leading by Example." SPC Ronald W. Moore. EurArmy (Jan 1986): 24-26.

"Leading to Confidence." 1SG Walter D. Stock. Infantry (May-Jun 1978): 20-26.

"Learning from NCOs." SGT Gary St. Lawrence. INSCOM (Aug-Sep 1989): 5.

"Learning (Small Group Instruction) in an Academic Environment (BNCOC)." SSG Lucinda Tims. Military Intelligence (Apr-Jun 1993): 52-53.

"Learning to Lead." MSG Douglas E. Freed. Army Trainer (Fall 1987): 29-30.

"Lessons on Leadership." SFC Douglas Ide. Soldiers (Feb 1995): 18-20.

"Let’s Build a Better Army." Interview with SMA Silas L. Copeland by MSG Jack Holden. Soldiers (Jul 1971): 5-7.

"Let’s PULL Together: Professionalism- Unity- Leadership- Loyalty: A Winning Combination." SMA George W. Dunaway. Army Digest (Jun 1969): 27-28.

"Letters to the Editor." SFC Barbara J. Ray. NCO Journal (Summer 1993): 20-21.

"‘Magic’ Standards and the East German Visitor." NCO Journal (Winter 1995): 7.

"Make the BOS Work for You and Your Platoon." 1SG C. R. Johnson. NCO Journal (Spring 1995): 6-7.

"Management and the NCO." Warren E. Nordman. Recruiting & Career Counseling (Oct 1977): 8-9.

"The Man the Army Wants." MSG M. W. Fischer. U.S. Army Recruiting News (1 Feb 1925): 5.

"A Matter of Integrity." CSM John W. Gillis. Armor (Jan-Feb 1982): 9.

"Meeting Leadership Challenges as a Team." SMA Gene C. McKinney. Military Review (Jan-Feb 1996): 10-13.

"MILES Cheating: Key to Failure." SFC Charles R. Souza. Army Trainer (Summer 1985): 3-5.

"Misdirected Loyalty." MSG Archer W. Miller. Infantry (Jul-Aug 1980): 11-12.

"Moving Beyond Victory." Interviews by Jim Collins. NCO Journal (Summer 1991): 15-17.

"My LT and Me." CSM John D. Woodyard. NCO Journal (Winter 1993): 10-11.

"‘My LT and Me’ Article Stirs Memories." MSG Roy Benavidez. NCO Journal (Spring 1993): 21.

"NCO and Enlisted Affairs Report." CSM Doug Russell. AUSA News (Jul 1992): 7.

"The NCO at the Apex." SMA Leon L. Van Autreve. ARMY (Oct 1974): 17-18.

"NCOERs: Making Bullets Count." SFC Larry Lane. Soldiers (Oct 1995): 21-24.

"NCO Leadership at the Company Level." CSM John W. Gillis. Armor (Nov-Dec 1981): 8-9.

"The NCO Leadership Role." SSG William H. McMichael. Soldiers (Jan 1991): 22-24.

"NCOmanship: The Art of Being a Station Commander and a Leader Requires NCOmanship." MSG Gerald Williams. Recruiting & Career Counseling (Jun 1975): 20.

"The NCO: More Vital Than Ever to Readiness." SMA Glen E. Morrell. ARMY (Oct 1983): 27-30.

"The NCO Must Grow with Army." SMA Silas L. Copeland. ARMY (Oct 1972): 24-25.

"An NCO Prepares for NTC." CSM Eddie Velez. Army Trainer (Spring 1989): 18-19.

"NCO Professional Development: A Report to the NCO Corps." Sergeants’ Business (Feb 1986): 1-32.

"NCOs Are the ‘Vital Link in the Chain of Command.’" SMA Glen E. Morrell. ARMY (Oct 1985): 63-65.

"NCOs for the XXI Century Army." CSM Robert A. Dare. NCO Notes (No. 96-2, Sep 1996): 1-2.

"NCOs: It’s Time to Get Tough." SMA William A. Connelly. ARMY (Oct 1981): 29-31.

"NCOs: Maintain the Momentum." Interview with SMA Julius W. Gates. Field Artillery (Dec 1987): 45-47.

"NCOs Need Encouragement to Write for Military Journal Publication." SFC Douglas C. Sleeth. ARMY (Jul 1989): 14-15.

"NCOs Reflect on Inspections." Sergeants’ Business (Jan-Feb 1990): 2-4.

"The NCO’s Role Is Crucial in Setting the Army’s Standards." MG Paul E. Funk. Armor (Nov-Dec 1992): 3-4.

"NCOs Speak for Themselves." Field Artillery (Aug 1989): 14-16.

"NCOs: The Passport to Effective Training." CSM Charles T. Tucker. Engineer (Fall 1985): 9.

"NCOs Who Wear the Badge of Honor." NCO Journal (Winter 1995): inside back cover.

"New Battle Staff NCO Course." SFC John K. D’Amato. Soldiers (Oct 1990): 6-7.

"New SMA Stresses ‘Keep Faith in Army.’" SFC Bill Costlow. Pentagram (17 Oct 1997): 2.

"News Call." ARMY (Sep 1980): 45-49.

"A Noble Top Sergeant." William F. Salathe. U.S. Army Recruiting News (1 Aug 1929): 6-7.

"‘Nobody’s Business’ Creates Ethical Dilemmas." MSG Jack D’Amato. NCO Journal (Winter 1995): 6-7.

"No Kidding." Interview with SMA Richard A. Kidd. Public Affairs Update (Jan-Feb 1995): 16-19.

"The Noncom." Infantry (Sep 1945): 6-7.

"Noncom Know How." Article by SGT Dave Schad, based on interview with SMA Julius W. Gates. Soldiers (Aug 1987): 21.

"Noncommissioned Officer." MSG Frank K. Nicolas. Infantry (Jan 1958): 76-79.

"The Noncommissioned Officer." CSM Johnny W. Greek. Engineer (Fall 1980): 32-34.

"The Officer-NCO Team: The Touchstone of Army Leadership for the 21st Century." MG John A. Dubia and CSM James C. McKinney. Field Artillery (Jun 1994): 1-2.

"On Leadership." MSG Norman J. Oliver. Soldiers (Mar 1985): 27-31.

"On to War." CSM Harold F. Shrewsberry. Field Artillery (Oct 1991): 34-35.

"Open Letters to Three NCOs." 1SG Jeffrey J. Mellinger. Infantry (May-Jun 1989): 17-21.

"The Operation of Recruiting Stations." 1SG William Blackett. U.S. Army Recruiting News (1 Mar 1923): 11.

"OREs Just Tools of the Trade." SFC Lawrence Kordosky. NCO Journal (Spring 1995): 16-18.

"Our Army- In Touch with America." SMA Gene C. McKinney. ARMY (Oct 1995): 29-33.

"Our Soldiers Over There in Bosnia Are Doing Us Proud." GEN Dennis J. Reimer. NCO Journal (Summer 1996): 21.

"Pay of Non-Commissioned Officers." MAJ W. P. Evans. Journal of the Military Service Institution (Mar-Apr 1904): 275-279.

"‘People Benefits’ Will Get More Emphasis in ’70s." SMA George W. Dunaway. ARMY (Oct 1970): 33-35.

"Performance, Character and Contact." Interview with SMA Glen E. Morrell by SFC Michael Brown. Soldiers (Jan 1984): 6-9.

"Perry Receives Enlisted Honors at Myer." C. Tyler Jones. Pentagram (17 Jan 1997): 5, 20.

"Platoon Sergeants." MSG Matt Dell. Soldiers (Sep 1975): 6-10.

"The Platoon Sergeant." Sergeants’ Business (Mar-Apr 1989): 14-15

"PLDC: Do-It-Yourself Leadership Kit." SFC Joe Zambone. National Guard (Jan 1988): 23-26.

"Portrait of a First Sergeant." MSG Matt Glasgow. Soldiers (Aug 1979): 28-34.

"Prayer, Patience, Perseverance." Dennis Steele. ARMY (Apr 1989): 39-41.

"Precepts and Duties of the Infantryman." CPT Andre Laffargue, 153d Infantry (French). Infantry (Nov-Dec 1916): 255-276.

"Preparing for the Storm: Enlisted Leadership in Action." SSG William H. McMichael. NCO Journal (Spring 1991): 11-13.

"Priorities, Challenges, and Expectations of Leaders." GEN Carl E. Vuono. Military Police (Apr 1989): 22-24.

"Private Eyes- They’re Watching You." MSG Stephen J. Sanderson. EurArmy (Oct 1988): 4-5.

"Professional Ethics Is Key to Well-Led, Trained Army." GEN Edward C. Meyer. ARMY (Oct 1980): 11-14.

"Professionalism: Key to a Good Leader." SSG Kent Kissellbrack. Korus (Apr 1996): 14.

"Promotion Packets." SGT Brian K. Betts. EurArmy (Jan 1991): 29.

"Public Affairs Soldiers." CSM Art Johnson. INSCOM (May-Jun 1995): 33

"Publicity Pointers for the Recruiters." SSG Joseph F. Maher. U.S. Army Recruiting News (15 Sep 1925): 11, 15.

"Recruiters Are Salesmen for the Army." CPL Frank C. Martin. U.S. Army Recruiting News (1 May 1923): 11.

"Recruiting Tomorrow’s NCOs." SFC Thomas J. Tiernan. INSCOM (Aug-Sep 1989): 76-77.

"Regimental Command Sergeant Major." CSM Joshua Perry. Military Police (Jan 1989): 3, 21; (Nov 1989): 3; (Jun 1990): 4.(Dec 1990): 5.

"Regimental Command Sergeant Major." CSM Marcelino Malavet. Military Police (Jan 1994): 3-4.

"Regimental Command Sergeant Major." CSM David W. Salter. Military Police (Dec 1992): 3

"Reilly’s First Sergeant Still Carries On." U.S. Army Recruiting News (15 Sep 1927): 4-6, 9.

"Retaining First-Term Soldiers." CSM Roy L. Burns. Engineer (Apr 1995): 65.

"Reunion: Retired SMAs Sound Off on the State of the NCO Corps." NCO Journal (Fall 1996): 10-16.

"Revise Article 15." SGT Ben Moskowitz. ARMY (Nov 1958): 82.

"Reward Your Huns." CSM Christine Seitzinger. NCO Journal (Winter 1996): 5.

"The Role of the NCO in Our Changing Army." SGT Jack F. Holden. Infantry (Jul-Sep 1959): 62.

"The Role of Role Reversal." CPT Donald H. Hutson and 1SG William H. Anderson. Army Trainer (Fall 1993): 47.

"Safety and the NCO." SMA Glen E. Morrell. Ordnance (Winter 1986): 45.

"Sarge." 2LT Renee Lee. Air Defense Artillery (Jul-Aug 1989): 14-17.

"Secrets of Success." SGT John C. Cherry. U.S. Army Recruiting News (12 Feb 1921): 1, 4.

"Self-Discipline." SGM Joseph B. Quig. Recruiter (May 1992): 13.

"Senior Enlisted Leaders Discuss Current Issues." SSG David Abrams. NCO Journal (Summer 1996): 20-22.

"The Sergeant Catches the (Gold) Ring." SGM Lloyd Decker. ARMY (Jul 1978): 37-38.

"A Sergeant Equal to a General." Red Star (Jun 1993): no page numbers.

"Sergeant to Sergeant." SMA Julius W. Gates. Sergeants’ Business (Jan-Feb 1988): 4; (Mar-Apr 1988): 4; (Mar-Apr 1989):2-3.

"Sergeant to Sergeant." SMA Glen E. Morrell. Sergeants’ Business (May-Jun 1986): 3; (May-Jun 1987): 3-4.

"Sergeant Major." SGM Robert B. Begg. ARMY (Jan 1966): 37-39.

"The Sergeant Major." CSM Bob L. Williams. Infantry (Sep-Oct 1969): 16-19.

"Sergeant Major at the Top." LTC Forrest K. Kleinman. ARMY (Jan 1963): 24-28.

"Sergeant Major of the Army Julius W. Gates." SMA Julius W. Gates. INSCOM (Aug-Sep 1989): 14.

"Sergeants’ Business." GEN Donn A. Starry. Military Review (May 1978): 2-9.

"Sergeants Make It Happen." Field Artillery (Aug 1989): 23-25.

"Sgt. Bill Mauldin: ‘The Enlisted Man’s Cartoonist.’" J. Collins. NCO Journal (Winter 1992): 18-19.

"Sgt. Maj. Kidd Visits Military Academy." Carolyn Keister Baker. Shenandoah (11 Jan 1995): A12.

"Sgt. Maj. of Army Speaks on NCOs, Leadership, the Army Ten-Miler." Interview with SMA Richard A. Kidd by Frank L. Marquez. Pentagram (10 Oct 1991): 3

"Shop Supply Basics." SFC Donald R. Wheeler. Army Logistician (May-Jun 1982): 6-9.

"Simplicity and Training." SGM Phillip Di George. Army Trainer (Fall 1988): 31.

"Small Unit Leadership Training: A National Guard Course in Leadership and Combat Skills." SSG Michael A. Goethals. Army Trainer (Spring 1989): 17.

"SMA McKinney Launches Each Day with NCO Creed." SSG David Abrams. NCO Journal (Fall 1995): 14-16.

"SMA Richard A. Kidd- A Great Soldier." CSM Jimmie W. Spencer. AUSA News (Apr 1995): 6.

"SMA Speaks about Promotions, Leadership." SGT Roger Hunter. Korus (Apr 1995): 7.

"The Soldier Remains Our Ultimate Weapon." SMA William A. Connelly. ARMY (Oct 1979): 23-24.

"Soldiers & the Press." MSG Ron Hatcher. NCO Journal (Spring 1991): 14-16.

"Soldiers Deserve the Best Leaders." Interview with SMA Glen E. Morrell by MSG Norman J. Oliver. Soldiers (Dec 1985): 6-8.

"Soldiers Get Insight from Army’s Top NCO." SGT James Yocum. Castle (27 Jan 1994): 2.

"A Special Brand of Leadership." CSM O. W. Troesch. Engineer (Winter 1983-84): 7

"Squad Leader: Anchor to the Chain of Command." CPT Boyd M. Harris. Infantry (Jul-Aug 1970): 22-27.

"The Squad System." CPT William T. Littebrant. Journal of the U.S. Cavalry Association (Oct 1904): 329-339.

"Stay in Your Lane." CSM J. D. Pendry. NCO Journal (Spring 1995): 4-5.

"Straight Talk." CSM James W. Frye and SFC Michael L. Davis. Military Police (Summer 1984): 3

"The Strength of the NCO Corps Is a National Strategic Asset." GEN Colin L. Powell and CSM Robert F. Beach. ARMY (Oct 1989): 44-52.

"Strengthening the Backbone." MSG Archer W. Miller. Engineer (Summer 1980): 6-7.

"Talks by the ‘Old Man.’" National Guard (Aug 1914): 241-242; (Apr 1915): 72-73; (Jul 1915 ): 129.

"There’s No Business Like NCO Business." MSG Gary L. Veazey. Military Intelligence (Jul-Sep 1989): 25-26.

"Thoughts for New Sergeants." CSM Roy C. Owens. Infantry (May-Jun 1988): 18-19.

"A Time to Become ‘Accelerated.’" Dennis Steele. ARMY (Mar 1989): 47-49.

"Tips for Leaders." CSM Daniel E. Wright. Field Artillery (Jun 1995): 3.

"Tips for Mess Officers." SFC Blair H. Dewey. Infantry (Feb 1950): 26-27.

"Tips on Troop Leading." SFC Forrest K. Kleinman. ARMY (Aug 1958): 42-43.

"To Close a Unit: Organize, Organize, ORGANIZE." MSG Garry J. Grilley. NCO Journal (Winter 1994): 15.

"Today, Tomorrow, and the 21st Century." CSM Ronnie W. Davis. Armor (Nov-Dec 1995): 5, 45.

"To Noncoms on the Staff: Stay Loose; Keep in Shape." SGM Dan Cragg. ARMY (Jan 1980): 50-51.

"Top Duty." SGM Mike Mason. Soldiers (Jul 1984): 8-10.

"TRADOC." Interview with CSM Henry J. Goodwin by SSG Joseph P. Satterthwaite. Army Trainer (Fall 1989): 10-13.

"The Training of the Recruit." 1LT Frederick S. Foltz. Journal of the U.S. Cavalry Association (Mar 1895): 184-191.

"Transition: A New Challenge for the 11M NCO." CSM Othel Tenell. Army Trainer (Summer 1985): 44-47.

"Training: Two Perspectives on Sergeants’ Time." SGT Michael Voitsberger. NCO Journal (Summer 1994): 16-17.

"Treadmill to Frustration: The Clerk Must Never Forget He Works for the Man Below as Well as the One Above." MSG Gerald L. Crumley. ARMY (Apr 1961): 76, 78.

"20-Year Man or Professional NCO?" SFC Stewart E. Werner. Infantry (Mar-Apr 1965): 5-6.

"Two Old Comrades Meet." U.S. Army Recruiting News (15 Oct 1929): 9, 13.

"Ultimate for NCOs." SP5 Jaime Cavazos. Soldiers (Aug 1976): 22-25.

"The Ultimate Weapon." CSM Ernest H. Hickle. Recruiter (Nov 1991): 20-23.

"Understanding Soldier Problems." SMA William O. Wooldridge. Army Digest (Apr 1967): 5.

"The U.S. Army Builds Men." a MSG. U.S. Army Recruiting News (1 Jun 1925): 2.

"The Value of Military Training." SSG Ray H. Duncan. U.S. Army Recruiting News (1 Mar 1925): 4, 12.

"Values." GEN John A. Wickham. Soldiers (Dec 1986): 2

"Vantage Point." CSM Randolph S. Hollingsworth. Military Intelligence (Jul-Sep 1995): 4, 44; (Oct-Dec 1995): 3.

"Vantage Point." CSM James A. (Art) Johnson. Military Intelligence (Apr-Jun 1991): 3

"Vantage Point." CSM David P. Klehn. Military Intelligence (Jul-Sep 1989): 3; (Jan-Mar 1991): 3.

"The Warrior Spirit." SGMs Bobby Owens, Miles Pitman, Ben Moore, Arlie Nethken, and Bill Miller. NCO Journal (Spring 1994): 8-9.

"What Do My Soldiers Look for in Their NCO Leaders?" SGT Paul Younghouse. Sergeants’ Business (May-Jun 1988): 10-12.

"What Is Courage?" GEN Sir William Slim. Infantry (Aug 1947): 23-24.

"What Is the Cause of the Recent Falling Off in the Enlisted Strength of the Army and Navy, and What Means Should Be Taken to Remedy It?" MAJ Wilmot E. Ellis. Journal of the Military Service Institution (Mar-Apr 1909): 167-183.

"What Soldiering Is All About." SMA Glen E. Morrell. ARMY (Oct 1986): 39-42.

"Who Am I?" SFC Roy Luttrell. Recruiting (Jan 1996): 4-5.

"Who Gets the Most Out of Life?" Tech SGT Herman Levy. U.S. Army Recruiting News (1 Nov 1923): 16.

"Wilhemina McKinney Prepared for Leadership Job at the Top." PV2 Laurie Wise. Cannoneer (9 Nov 1995): 3A.

"Winding Down of War Calls for Top Leaders." SMA Silas L. Copeland. ARMY (Oct 1971): 26-27.

"Winds of Change." Tonya K. Townsell. Pentagram (13 Oct 1995): 3, 8.

"The Worsening Plight of the ‘Army’s Own.’" SMA William A. Connelly. ARMY (Apr 1980): 9-11.

Addresses and Briefings (Alphabetical by Individual)


Bach, MAJ Christian A. "Leadership." United States of America Congressional Record, Appendix, Vol 88- Part 9, April 21, 1942, to July 24, 1942. (15 Jun 1942): A2251-2253.

Drape, 1SG Larry. "The Do’s and Don’ts of Quality NCO Leadership." A Dining-In Speech Given to the PLDC Graduating Class EUSA NCO Academy, Camp Jackson, Uijongbu, Republic of Korea 22 September 1990. US Army PAO Command Information files.

Freeman, Anne Pedersen (former WWI Yeoman). Address at the ground-breaking ceremony for the Women in Military Service for America Memorial, 22 Jun 1995. Excepts in "The Ceremony...Voices of the Women." Register (Fall 1995): 7, 13.

Kipling, Rudyard. "National Bands." A Speech by Rudyard Kipling, Delivered at the Mansion House on Jan. 27, 1915.

McKinney, SMA Gene C. "US Army Sergeants Major Academy Graduation Class 46." 31 May 1996, SMA files.

McKinney, SMA Gene C. Address to the Outstanding Soldiers and NCOs, 1996 AUSA Convention.

"The Noncommissioned Officer." A 1989 Army Theme Speech Developed by U.S. Forces Command PAO. US Army PAO Monthly Update (Jul 1989): 12-16.

Letters and Miscellaneous

Borcherding, Susan. Letter to editor 6 Jan 1997.

Merrick, Mrs. Byron P. (Josephine Brown). Letter to editor 15 Jan 1978.

"The 1989 Army Theme: The NCO." Secretary of the Army John O. Marsh, GEN Carl E. Vuono, and SMA Julius W. Gates, in Sergeants’ Business (Mar-Apr 1989) inside front cover.

"A Non-Commissioned Officer’s Interview with President Lincoln." 1LT Samuel K. Hall. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Commandery of the District of Columbia, 4 Dec 1907.

Photo of John Wayne as a Marine Corps sergeant.

"What’s in It for You?" Army recruiting brochure, no date or page numbers.




